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What some subscribers say…
Your video tips on the web site are awesome, especially the PVA seem filler. Will have to visit you when next at a show say hello” Simon
I’m really enjoying the site and really appreciated your Blitz build. Lovely work on the tilt – I’ll certainly take some tips from that!” RM
It really must be the future of publishing. Immediate, detailed and interactive. I now take quite a few modelling magazines for my iPad, and find it so much easier to read and zoom in on details. My wife is also rather keen on the reduction in paper mounds!” NM
Please keep up the good work, as a modeller returning after 40 years I am finding the help and advice available on the site invaluable and access to the walkaround pictures is great!” DA
Just joined mainly so I could read your opinion of the Sea Vixen kit just released from Airfix but am impressed with the whole site which I shall enjoy reading and learning from.” PW
This is just what I’ve been after, something where I can get some builds aimed at experienced modellers, I can’t get that anywhere else at your price” GS, Huddersfield show