with Shane Smyth
A note from Geoff…
How to paint Napoleon and Napoleonic horses – especially the Greys in 28mm? Now there’s a question and one which many scale modellers wouldn’t feel able to answer – perhaps even try.
Think again! Shane will take you through both of these tasks – How to paint Napoleonic horses (Part 1), followed by: How to paint napoleon, 28mm (Part 2).
This is really exciting stuff – completely out of the comfort zone of many scale modellers I’m sure, but get it right and you probably have a show-stopper on your hands? Well, maybe, with practice :) As ever, these techniques are all about practice and then more practice to help refine the approach so that you can feel confident to add another string to your bow.
So, over to the man who knows to take you through it all – step by step – thanks Shane!