F-4 Phantom II: The Complete Scale Modelling Workshop
Tutors: Geoff Coughlin and Adam Waistell-Brown
Date: Saturday 9 March 2024
Start: 9.00 Finish: 16.00
Venue: New Life Conference Centre, Mareham Lane, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7JP
Cost: £95.00
Limited to 15 places only
Who is this modelling skills workshop for?
Anyone interested in building scale models of the incredible F-4 Phantom II, whatever your level of skill and ability, whatever scale you are into. Don’t forget, these skills and techniques are applicable to many other aircraft too!
What we will be covering?
- Key features of the F-4 Phantom II – different air forces and operators through the years
- Decisions, decisions, what’s your plan? – getting a clear plan and materials together for your project – crucial to a successful outcome of your project – plenty of tips and practical advice on this
- Which are the best kits? A selection of F-4 Phantom II kits will be available to examine in detail: MENG, Tamiya, Academy and Zoukei-Mura 1:48 kits plus other models in different scales
- Cockpit and canopy detailing – unique features of F-4 Phantom II cockpits and canopies such as sills, mirrors, wiring, cockpit plumbing and how to add all these details
- Exhaust cans and metallic back end – how to create a highly realistic look to these areas that define any F-4 Phantom II
- Undercarriage – key features, adding smaller details, painting and weathering that make all the difference
- Weathering – main airframe weathering and options you can use such as panel line washes, pre-shading and other techniques to create a realistic 3-D appearance
- Underside weathering – one of the key features of the F-4 is the extensively weathered underside and how to create this on your models using washes and pastels
- Stores and weapons – a key feature of most F-4 projects – how to paint and detail these key features
- Small details make all the difference – choices for what you can add and how to include these features on your model
- Accessories – scratch build? Buy? Both? Lots of tips for how to include extra details; what’s available and where you can get it
- Reference sources – some great tips for the most useful and cost-effective options available
- Where can I get the stuff I need? Plenty of help and advice on products and outlets to get what you need for all your F-4 scale model projects
- Trouble-shooting – Help! plenty of opportunity to get practical help with any questions you have about any of the above and anything to do with your scale modelling hobby.
What do I need to bring with me?
More information will be available nearer the time and at this stage please bring along:
- An F-4 model to work on, (full box/contents), more than one at different stages of completion if you want – your choice. If you are more interested in model weathering, please bring your F-4 painted and gloss varnished, ideally with an acrylic gloss varnish that has completely dried for several days before the workshop date
- An airbrush and compressor if you have one, if not, don’t worry, you can use one that will be available on the day
- Vallejo Acrylic Metal Color metallic paints: as many different ones as you like but include: Jet Exhaust, Steel, Pale Burnt Metal, Aluminium and Dark Aluminium (we will be in a room with limited ventilation and so will need to be mindful of everyone’s health). Lacquers and enamels are too toxic to spray on the day but of course you can use the same techniques as with acrylic metallics when you get home
- ASK fine lead detailing wire – 0.2 and 0.3mm packs (currently available from Scale Model Shop)
- Cyano and kicker/accelerator and a cocktail stick for application
- Tools: Scalpel, fine tweezers, small steel rule plus any other tools that you think will be helpful
- Kit undercarriage leg units, assembled and sprayed/painted glossy black base and gloss or satin white top coat – ready for detailing
- Paints: detailing paints for hand-painting in various colours: black, dark grey, red, mid blue, yellow, zinc-chromate yellow such as Tamiya XF-4 Yellow Green
- Brushes – for hand painting small details
- Dry-brushing brushes (older cut down brushes or made for the job brushes like those available from AMMO)
- Dry-brushing compounds – such a that supplied by AMMO or your own product you usually use. Light grey at least is recommended. We will be demonstrating how to use the AMMO bushes and their compound
- Panel line washes – bring whatever you want to use and we’ll help you to get the best out of using it
- Micro Kristal Klear (the glue designed for attaching clear parts)
- Old wine bottle top metal foil, ideally the older lead-type if you can get it (some will be available on the day if not)
- A selection of ordinary graphite pencils
- A section of 600 grade wet and dry paper (it only needs to be a few centimeters square)
- Any aftermarket accessory sets that you may have – plenty of advice on how to use these in your build.
Any additional information will be available nearer the time but the above is pretty much all you need to know to get the best out of your day with us.
Remember, there are only 15 places available so book your place early – and wouldn’t this make a great Christmas or birthday present!?
In an age where there is a plethora of Techniques and Model Builds available via media channels you still cannot beat ‘hands on’ tuition. The opportunity to see techniques being completed by renowned modeller Aurelio Reale in real time was invaluable.
The Modelling Workshop and venue were excellent and credit to Geoff for organising a great day. The workshop had a nice relaxed atmosphere with plenty of ‘hands on’ practice and feedback from Aurelio. Another benefit with a room full of modellers is the experience and knowledge they also bring to the mix.
Was the day worth it? That has to be a resounding yes.