Ordinance and Reconnaissance Covert Avenger Vehicle
Full review by Dave Coward
Sc-Fi is a bit of a new area for me but sometimes something just attracts your interest and in this case when I saw this kit at the model club I fancied making it as something a bit different to my normal aircraft. The kit is based on a vehicle used in the Hostile Realms Sci-Fi world; have a look at the link for more info on this (O.R.C.A. Hover Bike).
See also the Wild House Page here in SMN for more information and reviews.
Thanks to Wild House Models for this great kit – get it on website now!

What’s in the kit
The kit comes in a nicely presented box that has some great artwork that will give you inspiration on how to paint it up. It’s an all-resin affair but don’t let this put you off as the moulding is perfect with minimal casting blocks to remove and very little flash and what there is can be easily scraped away with a sharp scalpel blade. There are 55 light grey and two clear resin parts including the figure. The instructions are printed on a single sheet of quality paper but are clear and comprehensive in their presentation. They will guide you logically through each step of construction and give direction on what parts to used depending upon whether you want to finish the kit as a military or civilian bike. There is also a nice decal sheet with lots of generic marking on it that you can use as you see fit. Overall on first look this is a very well-produced model so let’s see how it builds up.